
应用程序服务 Chris Low & 亚历克斯·霍华德 应用程序服务 Chris Low & 亚历克斯·霍华德

开发一款Jira应用:发布你的Atlassian Forge应用

在本博客的上一期文章中[1], mg官方游戏中心讨论了让你的Forge应用程序启动并运行在“你好, 世界!在测试Atlassian实例上. 现在, 也许你的公司有一个员工每天使用的Atlassian实例, and you'd like to test your Forge app in the real world by installing it on that instance. 另一种情况是,你现在已经为你的应用准备好了客户, 所以你需要把它分发给他们.

应用程序服务 Chris Low 应用程序服务 Chris Low

开发一个Jira应用程序:开始与Atlassian Forge

Forge is Atlassian’s next-generation framework for building apps that integrate with Confluence, Jira, 或Jira服务管理. Forge提供Web UI元素, APIs and deployment environments that enable developers to create fully-featured apps within Atlassian’s cloud infrastructure through the use of JavaScript, HTML, CSS和其他Web技术. Forge apps can be distributed via the Atlassian Marketplace as software to which any Atlassian Cloud customer can subscribe.

应用程序服务 摩根泰勒 应用程序服务 摩根泰勒


在当今不断发展的科技世界, it is important to have effective project management tools for companies to achieve their development goals. Jira is a powerful project management tool that aims to streamline workflows and improve collaboration. Taking this with the variety of different business and industries Jira clients are in, 他们可能希望根据自己的需要定制功能. Our team at Moser decided to create a custom tool to develop clear work paths for project management, as well as visually see the dependencies and path to completion for Jira tickets. “为Jira清理路径”这个工具最初只是一个想法, 然后变成了Jira用户今天可以使用的工作工具.

安迪Wickman 安迪Wickman


MG游戏登录网页 was recently tasked with reducing costs and ensuring more consistent SLA compliance in a 公司's Snowflake environment. 虽然Snowflake不同于传统和其他云数据库, 它仍然是一个基于sql的数据库, 许多相同的调优技术也适用于此. 然而, 理解雪花的架构是至关重要的, as it offers unique cost-saving opportunities not found in traditional databases.

安迪Wickman 安迪Wickman

Optimizing Storage Costs with Cloudflare R2 for Data Ingestion into Snowflake

最近, I stumbled upon a blog by Felipe Hoffa that detailed using Cloudflare R2 as the data storage location for external tables in Snowflake. 我有一个项目,每月需要的存储空间不到5gb, 如果可能的话,我想避免支付仓储费. Therefore, I decided to experiment with Cloudflare's free tier as my data lake. 结果令人印象深刻.

安迪Wickman 安迪Wickman

什么是雪花? 探索年度数据库及其受欢迎程度

For the second year in a row, Snowflake has been named the Database of the Year by DB-Engines. Over the past couple of years, it has climbed the popularity rankings, currently sitting at #11. Snowflake is a cloud data platform designed for analytical, AI, and ML use cases. 作为云原生解决方案, its architecture differs significantly from traditional databases like SQL Server, 甲骨文, MySQL, 和PostgreSQL.

业务服务, 学习服务 莫泽技术 业务服务, 学习服务 莫泽技术


mg官方游戏中心听人说过"这是卖方市场", 但在这个时代, 我相信mg官方游戏中心正处于“候选人市场”. Candidates are looking for maximum benefits and flexibility from an employer and it’s competitive out there when searching for the great candidates. 毕竟,如果mg官方游戏中心找到了合适的候选人,mg官方游戏中心希望留住他们!

莫泽技术 莫泽技术

在RHEL 8上安装Canvas-LMS.x

自Covid-19危机开始以来, 就像生活的大多数方面一样, 学习和教育必须适应, 通过必要性, 远程访问. 在那个领域, Canvas-LMS (from Instructure) clearly maintains the lead position as the go-to suite for providing educational content over remote channels, be it from elementary schools up through universities and even corporate training.

infrastructure确实提供了托管的Canvas解决方案, providing turn-key access to organizations that may not have the technical staff or the same closely-held security requirements as public and private enterprises, which more likely deploy a Canvas system on local or cloud 'hardware' more directly under their control. Instructure's main support documentation describes paths to install Canvas-LMS on either MacOS (OS X) or Debian || Ubuntu-based Linux distributions. 然而, Canvas-LMS is a complex suite; challenging to install even for experienced Systems Administrators and Developers and requiring a narrow list of supporting framework versions that may no longer be "default" packages in the current repositories ("repos"). There are also a healthy number of un-affiliated sites with their own "how-to" on installing Canvas; but again, 它们主要关注基于debian的安装.

This article, though, is about the path less taken: Canvas-LMS on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. (Please watch for a future revision of this article adjusting these steps for install on either Alma or Rocky.)

