学习 for Today’s Workforce

Ollie the Owl

Meet Our Facilitators

Thresette Briggs

An author and award-winning consultant, Thresette is the Founder and Chief Performance Officer of Performance 3 (P3), 是一家经过认证的M/WBE/WOSB和国家领导力发展公司,通过主题演讲培养高绩效领导者, training, facilitation, consulting, coaching, and assessment services. Headquartered in Indiana, for over 12 years P3 has served a diverse client base in over 10 industries, including small business and global companies with up to 10,000 employees and over $20 billion in revenue. 

Thresette拥有多项荣誉和认证,包括2022年五大湖妇女商业委员会印第安纳州WBE年度榜样/导师, 圣母大学麦肯纳中心南本德创业与逆境项目(SBEAP)主讲人兼导师, Starkey Entrepreneurial Woman Finalist, and Great Lakes Award of Distinction. She’s been featured on billboards, in commercials, and on radio, and is an author in the book, Sacred Promise: An Anthology. 

Thresette received her BBA from Wichita State University, her MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University, and is a graduate of Leadership Indianapolis. 她担任领导职务,包括全国女企业主协会(NAWBO)的全国委员会。, 并拥有两项在美国专利和商标局注册的加速高性能服务. 

Lesley MacKellar

With more than 25 years of business experience on three continents, Lesley与个人领导者和组织合作,解决他们的关键业务挑战并改善整体结果. To support these efforts, 莱斯利与领导者一起确定他们个人或团队需要做出的改变,以确保组织变革的可持续性.

这些挑战可能包括个人效率方面的挑战,比如如何处理职业转型,developing executive presence, dealing with work life balance, or resolving conflicts. 或者,这些挑战可能包括组织效率方面的挑战,比如制定战略, leading change,engaging employees, and creating high performing teams.

莱斯利深知,让一个人成为有价值的个人贡献者,并不是领导一个团队或一个部门所需要的技能. In addition, 在高层管理中茁壮成长所需的技能往往与在基层领导岗位上所需的技能大不相同. Lesley的专业知识使她能够帮助领导者完成从领导他人到领导领导者的关键转变,并进入最高水平的组织领导. 

Lesley was born in Zimbabwe and lived in Canada, South Africa, 30多年前定居美国. 在过去的5年里,她一直在领导自己的高管培训和领导力发展实践. 她曾与多个行业的300多名高管合作,并经常专注于发展情商能力. Previously, 她在一家大型制药公司的全球销售领导力发展部门工作了20多年,在那里她制定了战略和学习干预措施,以满足全球一级和二级销售领导者的优先需求. 在此之前,她是英国伦敦劳合社保险经纪公司的培训经理.K. 她在哪里为新员工和现有员工开发并提供了各种技术和领导力培训. 

Liesel Mertes

Liesel Mertes is an acclaimed workplace empathy expert. Having experienced her own loss and struggle, 莉塞尔对员工在经历了破坏性的生活事件后需要什么样的工作支持有了深刻的理解. As the Founder of Handle With Care Consulting, Liesel与那些希望提高员工满意度、吸引和留住更优秀人才的集团合作.

Liesel works with companies spanning industries, from RV manufacturers to diplomats to tech companies, both locally and internationally. 她最喜欢的客户是那些有远见的组织,他们知道用同理心和同情心来支持员工的价值.

Her expertise is broad—loss, returning to work, cultivating resiliency, compassion fatigue, how empathy impacts the brain—and no disruption is considered less significant. On these topics, Liesel is a dedicated speaker, 作家, consultant, and host of the Handle With Care podcast.

Liesel拥有政治学学士学位和工商管理硕士学位. She has worked in Nairobi, consulted in Fiji and led cohorts in Ghana. Her adventures brought her to Indiana, where she is a proud mother, wife and lover of time spent on the water.

Through her actionable strategies, real life stories and passionate commitment, Liesel helps people survive, stabilize and thrive in the aftermath of adversity.

Joni Goodman

Joni is the Principal at JDGAdvisors. She collaborates with her clients: employees, 销售 professionals, 领导人, and executives and together with them boosts learning initiatives, 销售, and 领导人hip, to achieve development goals! 乔尼以创造安全空间而闻名,领导者可以在这里放下盔甲,专心成长. 她努力通过挖掘和激发他人的潜力和伟大来改变他们的生活. Joni is a captivating speaker, an engaging facilitator, a success-oriented 销售 training expert, a 销售 meeting and event planning executor and a game changing executive coach. 她在学习和发展领域有超过20年的经验&I工作坊,DISC/PIAV行为风格指导和情境领导课程. Joni是一名人才发展认证专家(CPTD),并被bren Brown选中并培训为一名认证敢于领导™促进者(CDTLF)。.

Joni is the past president of the ATD Houston chapter, an Annual Leaders Conference Planning Advisory Committee chair (ALC PAC), and a past National Advisor for Chapters (NAC). 她也是《mg官方游戏中心》的出版作者。, “Association for Talent Developments (ATD) Training Toolkit application”, and “101 Ways to Make Training Active”. Joni has been a featured speaker for the HR Houston Gulf Coast Symposium, ATD冰, ATD Houston, ATD San Antonio, Gulf Coast Diversity Council, and Texas Executive Women (TEW) to name a few.

Amy Snow

艾米热衷于建立团队和组织,使他们在自己的影响范围内茁壮成长, and she truly believes that happens through 领导人hip development. 培养你的员工,你就能把你的团队和组织发展到更高的高度. As a certified coach and 领导人hip trainer with Maxwell Leadership, 她有幸与全国各地的团队合作,并看到了当个人和团队充分参与这一过程时,对领导力的投资是多么强大和具有变革性.

 As a former Division I soccer player and lifelong participant in sports, Amy loves what being an athlete has done for her in every aspect of her life. In fact, she believes it actually helped prepare her for life. While she imagined the transition from her sport would be hard, she didn’t know how hard…until she got there. 这就是为什么她也热衷于帮助大学和专业运动员从他们的运动转移到他们的新职业. Helping them to create a game plan, 挑战他们,让他们以新的方式推动自己,最终让他们比自己更快地实现目标,这是一种令人难以置信的奖励和激励!

Amy毕业于康奈尔大学,获得统计学和生物计量学学士学位和教育学硕士学位.A.T.). She captained the varsity soccer squad her junior and senior years, 在大学一年级就被评为常青藤联盟年度最佳新秀,在她任职期间获得了多项常青藤荣誉和体育学术全美冠军. 她还于2018年入选纽约州女子足球名人堂.

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